You don’t build a business, you build people, then people build the business.

The whole life of family Steiger and Meyer is dedicated to leisure and tourism. Back in the 1940’s has the ancestors been travelling with giant wheels around the globe. Later much bigger attractions for carnivals and fairs have been constructed on the most important fairs in the world. The portfolio did inlcude giant wheels, rollercoasters and flume rides. „It has been always our focus to bring the most exciting attractions to the people“, states Thomas Meyer, who runs the family business and even fills in a seat at the german association for showmansship. Due to economic reasons the world of travelling attractions is changing „and so are we“, adds Thomas. „We are focusing on delivering more long term, even permanent experiences to our guests. The demand for immersion and escapism has never been bigger and we are ready to fulfill thoses demands with our expertise. Travelling the world and rebuilding our amusement rides over and over again brought us so much knowledge, we want to share with our clients and partners.“

Thomas Meyer

Business Owner

Petra Steiger

Management Assistent

Hugo Meyer

Junior Business Owner

Hansi Meyer

Junior Business Owner / Operations

Get in touch!

+49 176 10059030